About Us

Swabhimaan Trust is a non-profit NGO committed to the health, education, employment and empowerment of children and young adults with developmental disabilities such as Autism, Mental Retardation, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADD/ADHD), and Dyslexia.

About Us

A therapeutic alliance consists of a physician, who takes care of the biomedical interventions, including screening, testing for dietary and environmental allergies, detoxification, medicines, supplements and dietary interventions – therapists who take care of the speech/language training and sensory integration - an educator who takes care of the customized, child specific healing education and above all the parents who take care of the social, play and recreative intervention, altogether shall be considered as the four pillars of the effective intervention for a child with Autism. This can be termed as holistic intervention for Autism.

In this context, what we practice in Swabhimaan, shall be considered as integrative approach. At Swabhimaan, quintessential benefits from Indian medical inputs like, siddha medicines, yoga, ayurvedic therapies and personalized dietary intervention are combined with conventional therapies like behavioral approach, speech therapy, occupational therapy, auditory integration therapy and sports therapy to form a necessary comprehensive integrated intervention.

The journey is often a difficult one, but for everyone concerned, it is a journey that must be taken for a deeper level of healing to occur. Even a child with severe autism can be helped, in many cases dramatically if the child is young, ideally but not necessarily- between the ages of two and six. The task at hand is to spread awareness about Autism so that we can catch them at a young age.

It is also a matter of concern to plan for the teenagers and young adults with Autism who need more help in terms of vocational training, independent living skills and career guidance, since most of them have been diagnosed at least ten years earlier when not much awareness nor help was available.

Working with the energy from synergy is huge and that is exactly the need of the hour. Synchronizing the required interventions and customizing it to the need of the child- is what we should be marching towards future.


Our vision is to provide all the support to individuals in the autism spectrum in terms of health, education, social and employment support, irrespective of their back ground.


Our mission is to provide quality support services for individuals on the autism spectrum so that they can realize the fullest potential of life.

Vision Head

  1. To ensure the children and adolescents receive the best possible treatment support for their comorbidities, so that they can realize their lives full potential.
  2. To establish a world class residential facility for individuals with Autism.

Our Services

Our Services

Our Partners

Social Impact


Educated Students


Treated Children


Autism Campaigns

Social Impact
